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/ 10,000 Graphics Pack 2 / 10,000 Graphics Pack Volume 2 (Media Graphics International)(1997).ISO / COLRJPEG / INSECTS / IFF316.JPG < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1997-01-25  |  65KB  |  474x750  |  24-bit (95,265 colors)
Labels: moths and butterflies | insect | butterfly | invertebrate | animal
OCR: O 2 15 7 D-National Geographic Society Two-thirds Natural Size THE NIGHT-FLYING LUNA (4) IS THE PREMIER BEAUTY OF THE MOTH WORLD (1) Mendocino Silk-moth, Saturnia mendocino Behr .; (2) Pamina Moth, Hyperchirin pamina Neum, also known as Antomeris puming; (3) Range Caterpillar Moth, Hemilenca oliviae Ckil .; (4) Luna Moth, Actias Iuna L .: (5) Buck-moth, Hemilence maia Dru .; (6) Pandora Moth, Coloradla pandora Blake; (7) Psendohasis eglanterina Bdv .; (8) lo Moth, Hyperchiria io Fabr. [ Malel-also known as Antomeris io: (9) Io Moth, Hyperchiria io Fabr. [ Femalel-also known as Antomeris io (see text, pages 194, 195).